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Acacia Designs

Acacia is a medical innovation company developing smart anaesthesia monitors and solutions that interface with disposable sensors addressing a global market touching every hospital.  70 million patients receive neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) during surgery to paralyze muscles, facilitate tracheal intubation, and enable mechanical ventilation.  However, premature extubation leads to post-operative complications in at least 30% of these cases. This is a global problem affecting health care providers with excess costs of more than $10 billion. 


Milestones met together include:

  • Market assessment to identify the market requirements and competitive alternatives, building a business case.

  • Creation of an IP portfolio protecting clinical, technical, and design elements of the product

  • Development of the TetraGraph, a handheld monitor system that monitors muscle response to nerve stimulation

  • Partnership to create the TetraSens, an easy-to-apply disposable combination sensor

  • Demonstration of proof-of-concept laboratory and clinical safety and efficacy results

  • Comparative performance and usability testing to enhance the product’s competitive position

  • Partnership for compliant manufacture and CE mark / 510(K) approval of the product for clinical sale

  • Market awareness and hospital introduction, leading to initial clinical and commercial sales


Acquired by Senzime AB in 2015, the Company’s aim is that its monitoring products become the premier surgical monitor for optimising NMBA administration and enhancing patient outcomes across global markets.


For more information, please visit




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