Who we are
For 15 years, the professionals at Stone Bridge Biomedical have partnered with physician entrepreneurs to develop significant innovations that improve patient outcomes and reduce their costs.
Bridging into remote monitoring and digital health
Experts in executing market-directed development processes
Focus your product innovation to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare cost
Execute a joint development plan that achieves milestones, reduces risk, and builds value
Create a business foundation technical IP, regulatory , and market success
Experienced in avoiding the common project pitfalls
Fail to transition ideas all the way to commercialization
Too much process smothers both product and people
Protecting the brand vs. seizing the opportunity
Believers in the entrepreneurial advantage
Committed to commercialize medical innovation
Able to help maintain strategic and business control
Assemble and manage a high-performing team

Founding Director
Academic Involvement:
PhD: Biomedical Engineering
Northwestern University
Mphil: Business and Innovation
University of Cambridge
Stanford University
Senior Associate Lecturer
Devices , Diagnostics, and Digital Health
University of Cambridge, UK
Professional Experience:
Cardiac monitoring and intervention
Medtronic Subcutaneous Diagnostics
Research, Resuscitation therapies
Physio Control Corporation
Three successful European Start-ups

We bring a Continental Advantage
Technical innovation
Access to centres for sensor development and machine learning
Partners with ‘Mittelstand’ network of suppliers and manufacturers
Healthcare expertise
Establshing evidence and standards in Internationally recognised centres
Early adopters of digital health initiatives and technology
Regulatory framework
Well defined CE mark path to enter Europe-wide markets
Receptive to proving and adopting medical innovation
National funding initiatives support entrepreneurs​
Regional and Angel investment networks